29.08.-03.09.2024 – SriTreat Tandava and Lasya of Siva and Shakti mit Melanie Shank und Michael Stewart

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29.08.-03.09.2024 – SriTreat Tandava and Lasya of Siva and Shakti mit Melanie Shank und Michael Stewart

August 29 | 14:00 - September 3 | 14:00

Seminarbeschreibung – Das Seminar findet in englischer Sprache statt. Übersetzung auf Wunsch möglich.
Melanie Shank and Michael j. Stewart are bringing the wildly successful Sri Treat to Ananada Hof in 2024.
Sri is the quality of the divine feminine in all her manifest possibilities, while a Treat is ‘ an event or item out of the ordinary that gives great pleasure”. This is exactly what is on offer here. In this very special meeting, Melanie and Michael will share with you the principals of the divine feminine and the divine masculine. What can be seen as distinct and separate on an outer level, can be understood and experienced as a harmonious integration of totality in each individual.
The dance between Sivas’ Tandava and Shakti’s Lasya allows us to move towards a more unified embodiment of our own unique balance between feminine and masculine energy in our physical, energetic, mental, emotional and essential expressions.
In this SriTreat Melanie and Michael will guide you through dynamic and intergrated yoga postures, subtle breath work, accessible meditations, energetic alchemy, powerful mantras, kirtan, group dynamics and satsang.
Of course we will also have an opening Puja and a Vedic homam (sacred fireceremony) as part of our celebration of this dance between Siva and Sakti. All these practices will open you to the natural balance inherent within and support your life dance. Our retreat will include delicious vegetarian and vegan cuisine prepared lovingly by Sven. You can choose your accommodation depending on your personal needs. There are limited single accommodation choices so book early if this is a concern.
This SriTreat is designed for all that are interested in finding the balance between the divine feminine and divine masculine within and also to recognize these qualities in the world around you. Come with an open mind and leave with an open Heart.

Melanie Shank – mehr Informationen zu Melanie Shank und der Kaula Hatha Yoga Praxis HIER
Michael Stewart – mehr Informationen zu Michael Stewart und der Shanta Vira Yoga Praxis HIER

Kosten Seminar
680 €

Kosten für Unterkunft und Verpflegung
Bitte direkt mit dem Ananda Hof abrechnen. Bezahlung gern in bar vor Ort mit anschließendem Zahlungsbeleg oder Rechnung.

Kosten Unterkunft – HIER
5 Übernachtungen – Je nach Zimmerwahl zwischen 20 € bis 40 € pro Übernachtung.

Kosten Verpflegung – für dieses Retreat Modul 1
€ 150 – vegane Bio-Vollverpflegung

Donnerstag, 29.08.2024
ab 14:00 Uhr Anreise / Ankommen

Freitag, 30.08. bis Montag 02.09.2024

Dienstag, 03.09.2024
ab 14:00 Uhr Abreise nach dem Brunch und Abschlusskreis

Am Donnerstag den 29. August ab 14.00 Uhr möglich.

Anmeldung / Kontakt
Über den Ananda Hof. Bitte direkt über den Anmelde-Button anmelden.
Vielen Dank.


August 29 | 14:00
September 3 | 14:00


037324 822600


Kirchweg 3
Reinsberg OT Burkersdorf, 09629 Deutschland
Google Karte anzeigen
037324 822600


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